Monday, August 18, 2008

The day I climbed Mount Whatever

More advice for travel writers ...

Summer is coming to a close, which means one thing: you are probably contemplating one last serious backpacking or day hiking trip before the cold weather and September obligations come slamming down. You will probably bring a digital camera out into the woods with you and take thousands of pictures of mountains, lakes, streams, people and woodland creatures.
But if you decide to take pictures, do me one favor. Label your photos!
I am speaking from sad personal experience. During my wilderness sojourns, I took approximately 3,000 pictures -- and I did not label a single one of them!! Now, I am at a total loss about the pictures. I have forgotten the identities of almost all the people in the photos. I cannot tell any of the crags, lakelets, streams and sylvan landscapes apart. Now, when people look through my photos and slides, I am not very helpful at all. "Oh, that was the day I climbed Mount Whatever with What's-his-Face, in Whatever-the-hell state it was.''
By the way, if you can help identify the mountains and waterway in this picture, shoot me a message. It would be a big help.


Margie Brasil said...

I want to see your photo's of more Mt. Whatever's and such from your PCT adventure. How do I do this? I'm a greeny when it comes to blog's and such.
I read your book (class requirement) and loved it! I'm looking forward to seeing you at SJSU this fall.

cactuseaters said...

Hi Margie -- I am so glad that you liked the book, and I plan to publish more photos of PCT creatures, mountain climbing and other adventures. So it sounds like you're starting a blog of your own?

Margie Brasil said...

A blog of my own? Well, I'll have to look up this lingo and figure out why I'm not just a commenter instead of a blogger. I need to stick with climbing mountains and stay low tech. Call me a blogger; I've been called worse.

cactuseaters said...

oops -- I misunderstood.