Friday, October 30, 2009

Your adventurous suggestions

Since my GAP story was published, I've been getting a lot of emails with recommendations for places to hike, bike and write about in the coming year. Thanks -- and keep the recommendations rolling in. (please: no biting flies, deserts, succulents, crocodiles, vampire bats, etc.)


Anonymous said...

I hope your GAP is not referring to my teeth.


cactuseaters said...

Thank you, anonymous. But usually my outdoor adventures are more mental than dental.

Unknown said...

This is long overdue, Dan, but thanks for the great article about the GAP and the nice mention.
We at Gram Gram's Place loved it!!

Jackie Bowman
Gram Gram's Place
Meyersdale, PA

cactuseaters said...

Thanks, Jackie, and great to hear from you (and thanks for your hospitality, too!) Dan