Thursday, November 08, 2007

I want to pre-order my own book in bulk

I was just searching through the internet, and I stumbled upon a site that allows me to order my own upcoming book in bulk! I think I'm going to place an order right now just to see what happens.


Amy Ettinger said...

What's the link?

Anonymous said...

Hi Daniel,

I'm sitting in Alan Soldofsky's class with you right now. I've had the same thought about buying my own book in huge quantities as well (after I actually write it, of course). But I'll probably buy it from Amazon to move it up in the sales rankings.

Thanks for coming in tonight. Your thoughts were very helpful.


cactuseaters said...

Ted -- thanks for the message. It was great to visit the class and talk to everyone. By the way, I just found out that I might be able to bulk-order the book from Target. That's kind of surreal. That's the main place where I buy all of my Grape-Nuts, kitty litter, laundry hampers, etc.